Saturday, August 23, 2008

the new dawn

congrats after so much of wait india finally managed to get some medals in olympics..........kudos to Abhinav Bindra,Vijendra Kumar and Sushil Kumar for their brilliant efforts
and not to forget other two boxers Akhil Kumar and Jitendra kumar....though they were not so lucky but they surely made a mark.......this is surely is begining of new era in indian sports.....these guys have managed to steal the limlight from cricket....these guys have done their work by making us proud.....nowbut just hoping that it doesnt stop the last olympics also karlam malleshwari won a bronze but couldnt repeat the feat in next olympics.....same was the case of Rajyawardhan singh Rathod.........i just hope that all this adulation and publicity do not make these guys complescent....

i just wanna say that"the woods are lovely dark and deep,but i have miles to go before i sleep"

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Independence Day

happy independence day how did u celebrate the most important day in the history of india?
i remember as a child we used to b so excited the day before.....we used to polish our shoes.....get our school uniforms neat and clean.......and used to b so excited for the flag hosting ceremony in our school.......even now i see the same excitement in children..... but i guess somewhere in between we all have lost all those excitement......and 15th august has just become another day.......infact another holiday in our lives......i guess the edge of knife on which every indian walks everyday might be the reason for this.....and after so much work we get a holiday,so why to waste it. so every one prefers to stay at home enjoying the holiday.......
we might not take part in flag hosting ceremony.....or might not listen to all that useless talk from the prime minister......but we still love our country......we might not sing the national anthem every day but still we get gooseflesh when we hear go guys enjoy but remember even just for a sec. those people who gave up their lives for us.....JAI HIND

Friday, August 8, 2008

Abortion-the correct age

After what happend somedays back, certainly the awareness of public about abortions has increased.there is a view that that the legal age of abortion should be increased to 24 weeks as is the case in britain as their is hardly any signifant increase in risk to the health of pregnant mother whether is done at 20 weeks or 24 weeks.....whereas some feel that the current age is corrrect.

amidst all these we all tend to forget that in medicine u cannt be so dogmatic and strict in your approach.....every disease and its treatment has to b individualised as there nothing which is absolute in medical i believe that we should be more flexible in our approach. Every case is unique one and one cannt apply the same basis for all of them.

what i feel is that the correct age of abortion should be left to the treating he is the best person who knows exactly the condition of the mother and the fetus....and whether the abortion is going to have any harm on the health of the mother.
but then it would require a practise of huge amount of responsibility and ethics on the part of the doctors moreover in country like India where the regulatory bodies are so poor functioning that it would b very difficult to keep track of abortions and the in a country where parents r so son loving that abortion for other reasons would also increase

so in a society like india where corruption is so rampant, medical ethics has reached rock bottom and where parents would do any thing to have a male child....the current legal age is correct

Friday, August 1, 2008

our reservation policy-how fare is it?

thanks to government of india,about 50% seats in all professional courses are reserved for the so called socially backward classes. true they have been socially oppressed and devoid of opportunities for ages......but it also leaves many a question to b addressed to....
first does these reservations really serve their purpose? does it really reaches to the people who actually need them?will reserving seats in reputed colleges will really serve the purpose in the long run?....
im afraid answers to all these questions are no....and only no....if at all it serves any purpose,its is of the power greedy politicians who can go to any extent win votes.....sometimes i even feel that the very purpose of having reservations that is making a caste less society has taken a back seat.....and reverse discrimination has begun.......
but today definations of socially backwards have the more political support a caste the more backward it becomes.....atleast as per the demands of increasing their share in reservations......

whatever be the compulsion but arn't we compromising our education system in that,
just read in newspapers that IITs and IIMs are forced to relax their cutoff marks to admit the 'reserved students' and even then they r finding it hard to fulfill the seats........arnt we compromising the reputation of these colleges of excellence built by the faculty and students by years of hardwork, by all these votebank politics

is it fair that person just because he is born with silverspoon(backward caste) can get into these colleges of high repute .

instead of just getting them upperhand why doesnt the government makes the primary education more competitive or provide them enough opportunities so that they stand on an even platform with the 'general' candidates and fight equally for those coveted seats.......i know all of us agree to it even those who r as they say pro-reservation......but then who wants to work hard when u can get away without it....
despite knowing all these we know we can never get away eith reservations as it is easier option both for the government and the so called reserved candidates.