our reservation policy-how fare is it?
thanks to government of india,about 50% seats in all professional courses are reserved for the so called socially backward classes. true they have been socially oppressed and devoid of opportunities for ages......but it also leaves many a question to b addressed to....
first does these reservations really serve their purpose? does it really reaches to the people who actually need them?will reserving seats in reputed colleges will really serve the purpose in the long run?....
im afraid answers to all these questions are no....and only no....if at all it serves any purpose,its is of the power greedy politicians who can go to any extent win votes.....sometimes i even feel that the very purpose of having reservations that is making a caste less society has taken a back seat.....and reverse discrimination has begun.......
but today definations of socially backwards have changed.......now the more political support a caste the more backward it becomes.....atleast as per the demands of increasing their share in reservations......
whatever be the compulsion but arn't we compromising our education system in that,
just read in newspapers that IITs and IIMs are forced to relax their cutoff marks to admit the 'reserved students' and even then they r finding it hard to fulfill the seats........arnt we compromising the reputation of these colleges of excellence built by the faculty and students by years of hardwork, by all these votebank politics
is it fair that person just because he is born with silverspoon(backward caste) can get into these colleges of high repute .
instead of just getting them upperhand why doesnt the government makes the primary education more competitive or provide them enough opportunities so that they stand on an even platform with the 'general' candidates and fight equally for those coveted seats.......i know all of us agree to it even those who r as they say pro-reservation......but then who wants to work hard when u can get away without it....
despite knowing all these we know we can never get away eith reservations as it is easier option both for the government and the so called reserved candidates.
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